Add-on >> Booth Staff (Thai-Eng-Chinese)

Booth Staff (Thai-Eng-Chinese)

Booth Staff (Thai-Eng-Chinese)

The role of Booth Staff will be doing admin asisstance as well assist introducing exhibitor products and services to visitors either in English or Thai or Chinese languge appropriately. The worktime is 10am to 6pm. They come to booth 30 min before the visitor entry time. The exhibitor is required to provide company presentation and relevant details in advance so that booth staff understands profile of exhibitors. Exhibitors can share any specific requirements of booth staff. The vendor allocates staff as per suitablity to each exhibitor. The exhibitor is required to treat assigned staff professionally so that they could make your participation at the expo a great success. The fee applies for the whole event.

Onsite Request is not possible. Pre-booking is required. 

Category: Booth Staff

Price: 1,400.00 USD